Sunday, April 18, 2010

Chihuahua's are like potato chips...

What is it with all the Chihuahua's in California shelters??? I have found dozens in shelters throughout the State. This can't all be a fallout of "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" can it? Geez. I have to keep the Chihuahua population in my home to a minimum (I'm renting now you know) but if I had my druthers, I'd have an easy half dozen of these little dogs running rampant through my house! Chihuahua's are like potato chips, you really can't have just one. Well, at least I can't.

You know, I always thought I was a terrier kind of gal. I had Hobar and Domino (both black Schnauzer's), my Amazing Gracie (Scottish Terrier) and my sweet, sweet Heinz 57 terrier mix, Booboo. But I tell ya, my first Chihuahua (started as a temporary foster) grabbed hold of my heart and that's all she wrote...

These little dogs are fearless - they will take on much bigger dogs. I think they all suffer from body dismorphic disorder! I have 3 cats too and my Chi's are smaller than they are. Doesn't keep them from chasing them all over the house. Believe me, the cats could take them down if they were so inclined. I'm in constant fear the cats will get fed up and I'll come home from work one day and find the dogs cowering in the closet with the cats guarding the closet door.

Bottom line is this...I have very little self control when it comes to animals. I want to save them all. I know I can't. Emotionally and financially I'm tapped out in the animal department but the frustration I feel at all the animal abuse and people not realizing animals have the same feelings (feel heat, hunger, pain, love, etc.) overwhelms me and I need to vent. So I just did and I feel better. For now.

Vegetarianism is best left for another day.

Time for bed. Need to gather up the' along little doggies...